Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Nice People......Apparently There Aren't Many in the World of Customer Service

I just got off the phone with a customer service rep from my piano rental company. He said "thank you for being such a nice person." Wow. I was just being a normal person, but apparently that is nicer than some? I didn't know how to respond to that, so I went with the classic "no problem." Hahahahaha. How would you respond? :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Prank Calling Fun

I was just introduced to "Little Becky," an eight year old from Dublin who makes prank calls on a radio show. The calls are hilarious, especially in her cute little Irish accent!


Thursday, May 1, 2008


Do not EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER bank with Wells Fargo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are horrible and they will steal your money and won't admit it. According to my account register I should have $1000 more than their online statement says I have. I've double checked all my math, as have they, and found no problems. Yet, they still will not admit that it is a mistake on their end, and say there is nothing they can do. I am LIVID.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Next Adventure

Well, I just got back from my very first trip to our nation's capitol. And it's decided. I'm moving there for grad school. As scary as it is to admit that change is in fact going to occur, I did manage to mail in my acceptance at George WA University and my non-refundable deposit.....so I guess that's it! It's going to happen! It's a strange place to be in now though - wading through all the details the next few months will bring up, trying to enjoy the remainder of my time in Seattle while still being excited to move, balancing the anticipation of the future with the sadness at leaving the present. Sigh. I haven't figured out the emotions yet. They are fighting. But I think it is the best place for me right now!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Consider this:

What if you could candy coat your tongue? #1 You could have built in candy (as long as you refrain from biting your tongue) #2 Everyone would want to kiss you all the time

The point of all this - I would like to kiss someone with a candy coated tongue.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

christina is not at this point permanently exiled from sweden

New fun website: www.googlism.com

Check it out!! I've found out some very interesting things about myself.....

christina is a fascinating lady confident bright and intelligent with a whole range of interests
christina is abducted by the ghoul
christina is trapped in a loveless marriage to the german prince hans
christina is livin' it up with rappers she considers her big brothers
christina is the best "sleepy girl" that i have ever seen
christina is the biggest slut
christina is a soul diva

Friday, March 14, 2008

Two pieces of great news!

1. Thanks to some guys from church who like to fix cars (who call themselves "Auto Angels"-how cute), I will soon have a new engine for my poor little Focus and some lovely mechanics to put it in for me, for the low low price of $2000! Instead of the $4800 I was originally quoted by the dealership! Yay Auto Angels!!!

2. I managed to convince my boss that the firm should send me to work in our DC office for the week right before the Museum Studies Open House at George WA U. I feel so sneaky! So instead of being there for a weekend, I get to go for a whole week, and pay less money out of my own pocket! Suh-weeeeeeet!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

My car

needs a new engine. I'm considering investing in some draft horses and a wagon instead.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My apartment complex is famous!.....?

Apparently Barack Obama's mama grew up on Mercer Island and lived in my very own Shorewood Heights apartment complex. Check out this article if you want more info. :) Kind of random!


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I've been tagged

It's time for the purse content report:

-Nordstrom designer shoes receipt (in its own very cute envelope)
-bobby pins
-business card
-more bandaids
-gas x
-book lists
-international calling card
-nail file
-more book lists
-Orbit White peppermint gum
-GAP lipshine (sugarplum)
-Boots chapstick (zingy citrus)
-grocery list
-more kleenex
-Nutritive Lip Balm (honey and shea)
-Starbucks After Coffee peppermints
-dollar bill
-two card keys for work
-gift cards
-museum volunteer pass
-huckleberry lip balm
-Bigelow Mentha Lip Shine
-Zara lip gloss (peach jam)
-Borders card
-Victoria's Secret bra fitting card

Wow. And my purse isn't even that big!!! Apparently it's a Mary Poppins bag, and next thing you know I'll be pulling a lamp out of it....

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Love of Heels

Every once in a while (or lately, very often) I feel the need for a little pick me up in the form of dressing up for work so I feel attractive. There is nothing that makes me feel more attractive than a pair of sexy high heels, even when my toes are squished and I worry that I look awkward waddling down the hall because my feet hurt. Why is this? What kind of magic do high heels possess that works its way into my psyche and convinces me that I am indeed an attractive woman, even though no one else gives my shoes a second thought?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Waiting Game

My applications are all turned in!! Yay! Now to settle in for the long wait until my hopes and dreams are either given a chance to come true, or are dashed to oblivion....

Friday, January 18, 2008

One down, two to go

Well, I managed to submit one complete grad school application last weekend. Including, wonder of wonder miracle of miracles, my transcript from the University of Aberdeen! It arrived on my doorstep from DHL with one day to spare. Phew! It is a relief to have one app done, but I won't breathe easy until I hear back from all the schools and am accepted by at least one of them. Oh the stress of it all. In the meantime, I have stupidly allowed myself to start looking up apartments in DC on craigslist. Anyone know anything about the different neighborhoods?