Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My apartment complex is famous!.....?

Apparently Barack Obama's mama grew up on Mercer Island and lived in my very own Shorewood Heights apartment complex. Check out this article if you want more info. :) Kind of random!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I've been tagged

It's time for the purse content report:

-Nordstrom designer shoes receipt (in its own very cute envelope)
-bobby pins
-business card
-more bandaids
-gas x
-book lists
-international calling card
-nail file
-more book lists
-Orbit White peppermint gum
-GAP lipshine (sugarplum)
-Boots chapstick (zingy citrus)
-grocery list
-more kleenex
-Nutritive Lip Balm (honey and shea)
-Starbucks After Coffee peppermints
-dollar bill
-two card keys for work
-gift cards
-museum volunteer pass
-huckleberry lip balm
-Bigelow Mentha Lip Shine
-Zara lip gloss (peach jam)
-Borders card
-Victoria's Secret bra fitting card

Wow. And my purse isn't even that big!!! Apparently it's a Mary Poppins bag, and next thing you know I'll be pulling a lamp out of it....

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Love of Heels

Every once in a while (or lately, very often) I feel the need for a little pick me up in the form of dressing up for work so I feel attractive. There is nothing that makes me feel more attractive than a pair of sexy high heels, even when my toes are squished and I worry that I look awkward waddling down the hall because my feet hurt. Why is this? What kind of magic do high heels possess that works its way into my psyche and convinces me that I am indeed an attractive woman, even though no one else gives my shoes a second thought?