Friday, October 19, 2007

You know you're bored at work when

You start typing with only your left hand, just to make the one task you have to do (that normally would take about 2 minutes) last as long as possible, because you have nothing else to do at work for three more hours........
What do you do when you're bored?


Mariquita said...

I could give you stuff to do!

Or play online sudoku. :)

Ln said...

I smile at strangers and try to make them love me :)

e lemme said...

This is really nerdy but I used to memorize poetry when I worked at the coffee shop, because it got really slow during the summer. By the end of the summer, I'd only memorized like 2 poems, but hey I figure if I start NOW, I can be like Leonard Oakland when I'm 80 years old. Because I really like him. :)