Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I feel a bit like chattel right now. Apparently I have been "viewed" and approved of, and I think I might be back in junior high. Here's what happened:
I went to lunch as usual with my friend from work, and didn't think twice about riding the elevator with another co-worker and her son. I returned from lunch to hear the news that the whole thing was a set-up to try to hook me and my co-worker's son up! Everyone knew about it except me! I've been told (by Cathy the receptionist, who heard it from his mom, who I guess heard it from him - see the junior high aspect coming in here? :) ) that he might be interested and wants to know what I thought. What?! That's like the note: "Do you like me? Yes, no, maybe." Been there, done that, don't really want to go back.......Seriously, I might consider it, except that he's 38!! If you need math help, that is FOURTEEN years older than me! I can't believe this just happened! Oh the farce! Please tell you you all are getting as much of a laugh out of this as I am! :)


e lemme said...

heeeeeeee heheheheheeee
Christina Elliott, Viewed and Approved.

So if he's thirty eight years old, that means when he was 14 years old, you were like, ZERO!! haha. Yea... keep us posted

Mariquita said...

Or 30 when you were 16..... eeeew

Ln said...

I love that you used the word chattel.