Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ways to Keep Employees Happy:

Dear employers:
Here are some suggestions for keeping employees happy. They may seem common-sensical, but believe me, they do not always occur!
1) Smile at your employees. No one wants to come to work for a grouch.
2) Say thank you. It helps to feel appreciated!
3) Utilize your employees' skills. The employee will get more done, and lo and behold, so will your company!
4) Pay your employees if you want to keep them!! A 30 cent raise, not gonna cut it!
5) Provide free daily massages.
6) Give lots of vacation time.
I promise these things will help!!
7) Also, if we could "work" from home, that would be great.........


e lemme said...

I think maybe you should add "paid blogging time" just, you know, because. lol

Ln said...

You forgot "hire young attractive single males". That boosts morale too.

Christina said...

Oooh, you are so right.....